Using of the Forms of Simple Past Time and Present Perfect between CEFR A2 and B2 Learners

Limenghuai Sun


This essay had focused on the use of “I did” or “-ed” and “I have” or “I has”, with two specific tar- get levels in mind: CEFR A2 and B2 learners. Firstly, this essay briefly compared and contrasted both tenses. After that discussing the main problems of both of form that learners experience with Chinese learners, this essay draw attention to Chinese students’ confusion of “I did”, and the focus will move to a discussion on some meanings and problems of the present perfect tense and past simple with learners that learners often ex- perience when discussing these two tenses.


Forms; Learners experience; Negative statements; Simple past; Present perfect; Chinese learners; Tenses; Language context

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