Comparison Between English and Chinese Borrowings

Mian Feng


Borrowing exists in almost all languages and functions as a significant lexical constituent while bringing enormous impact on their lexical system. The target of this essay lies in discovering the distinctive features of borrowing in Chinese and English as well as making comparative analysis between both, leading us to a comprehensive view about the borrowing in both languages and their culture. The conclusion has been made that though English takes an advantage over Chinese in quantity, but Chinese plays the role of a more flexible and creative borrower, resulting in more variable language form and usage.



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Angela Cook, A. A typology of lexical borrowing

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sin.4,6 (2018).

Philip Durkin, Borrowed words: A History

of Loanwords in English, Oxford University,

New York, 2014; pp. 233-234.

Robert McColl Millar, Trask's Historical

Linguistics, 3rd ed., ed. Routledge, 2015.



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